keyboard_tab REGIS - Reg. Intermediation Services 2019/1150 EN
BG CS DA DE EL EN ES ET FI FR GA HR HU IT LV LT MT NL PL PT RO SK SL SV print pdf 2019/1150 EN Art. 15 . Output generated live by software developed by IusOnDemand srl
index :
- Article 1 Subject matter and scope
- Article 2 Definitions
- Article 3 Terms and conditions
- Article 4 Restriction, suspension and termination
- Article 5 Ranking
- Article 6 Ancillary goods and services
- Article 7 Differentiated treatment
- Article 8 Specific contractual terms
- Article 9 Access to data
- Article 10 Restrictions to offer different conditions through other means
- Article 11 Internal complaint-handling system
- Article 12 Mediation
- Article 13 Specialised mediators
- Article 14 Judicial proceedings by representative organisations or associations and by public bodies
- Article 15 Enforcement
- Article 16 Monitoring
- Article 17 Codes of conduct
- Article 18 Review
- Article 19 Entry into force and application
whereas :
- whereas (1)
- whereas (2)
- whereas (3)
- whereas (4)
- whereas (5)
- whereas (6)
- whereas (7)
- whereas (8)
- whereas (9)
- whereas (10)
- whereas (11)
- whereas (12)
- whereas (13)
- whereas (14)
- whereas (15)
- whereas (16)
- whereas (17)
- whereas (18)
- whereas (19)
- whereas (20)
- whereas (21)
- whereas (22)
- whereas (23)
- whereas (24)
- whereas (25)
- whereas (26)
- whereas (27)
- whereas (28)
- whereas (29)
- whereas (30)
- whereas (31)
- whereas (32)
- whereas (33)
- whereas (34)
- whereas (35)
- whereas (36)
- whereas (37)
- whereas (38)
- whereas (39)
- whereas (40)
- whereas (41)
- whereas (42)
- whereas (43)
- whereas (44)
- whereas (45)
- whereas (46)
- whereas (47)
- whereas (48)
- whereas (49)
- whereas (50)
- whereas (51)
- whereas (52)
cloud tag:
and the number of total unique words without stopwords is: 23
Article 15
1. Each Member State shall ensure adequate and effective enforcement of this Regulation.
2. Member States shall lay down the rules setting out the measures applicable to infringements of this Regulation and shall ensure that they are implemented. The measures provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.